About Us
We are Pastors Don and Lisa Townley and we are dedicated to sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Townley Ministries Inc. is a 501(c)3 non profit organization.
Lisa works with people for deliverance & inner healing. We also co-pastor and lead worship at Spirit of Life Church in Los Molinos CA, minister at a nearby homeless shelter and travel overseas as the Lord leads.


Don Townley was born and raised in Northern California and graduated with music honors from Corning High School and went on to get a B.A. and teaching credential in music from CSU San Jose. He was involved in a traveling band for 6 years and found himself being involved in the new age occult scene where he realized he needed a Savior. At the age of 33, Don was invited to a Bible Study and put his faith in the Lord Jesus. He started passionately studying the Word of God.
Lisa Townley was born and raised in Northern California, coming to salvation in Jesus at the age of 5. She grew up attending a Baptist church, and Christian school. Her parents were devoted to God, taking in and helping broken people addicted to drugs and alcohol, impressing her heart profoundly, giving her a passion to help the brokenhearted. She loves to study the Word of God, paint, write, counsel, teach, mentor and worship the Lord.