We have been dreaming with God lately about building a center where people can come find the life Jesus paid for!
Here is the vision:
We plan to open healing centers to help people step into complete health- spirit, soul and body. The healing centers will have living quarters for the host family as well as guest housing for people to come and stay for a limited time when necessary. The modalities we use include but are not limited to prayer, music, art, counseling, teaching, body work, nutrition, beauty and outreach. We plan to train people to facilitate in the healing centers. We have been helping people for about 20 years now but feel it is time to open up healing centers so more people can be helped.
The Healing Center provides a safe, nurturing environment for all people who are ready to gain more awareness, release toxic emotions and beliefs, cultivate the well-being of the whole person and realize their full potential in life. We inspire people to reconnect with their Creator and find their meaning, purpose, and true fulfillment in life. Our Bible-based programs foster God-given potential through Holy Spirit empowered healing and transformation, as well as global outreach projects. We are committed to creating a transformation in communities throughout the world. We are driven by our purpose to promote alignment with truth resulting in health, wellness, success and peace through Holy Spirit-empowered methods to carry out the commission given by Jesus to the Church to declare the Kingdom of God present with us and to heal the sick and oppressed.
This will benefit people from all faiths & walks of life needing help overcoming addictions, depression, broken relationships, sickness, pain, poverty or anything that stands in the way of living a fulfilled life. They will benefit by getting the help they need to find spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well being and get their life going in the direction they desire and make their dreams a reality.